Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Something what i think right now . . .

It is final exam season, and next paper would be on Thur. what inside my mind ?
I want to study, but lazy, no mood ;
i want to go out for movie, but lazy ;
I want to take nap, but dont feel like want to sleep now ;
i want to eat, but dont know what to eat ;
I want get myself an I-Phone, but no money ;
i want to get rest dont want to work later, but no work no money ;
I want buy myself a good quality digital cam, but no money ;
i want bring my family to have a good dinner, but no money ;
I want to have my own business, but seems it doesn't work for now;
i want to be smart person, but i was born to be not;
Lastly, I want to try to satisfy what i have now, but seems it doesn't work .

As conclusion, money is the main issue here ...work hard to get more money mates....